Compiling and linking SWAN source code

After the necessary modifications are made as described in the previous section, the source code is ready for compilation. All source code is written in Fortran 90 so you must have a Fortran 90 compiler in order to compile SWAN. The source code cannot be compiled with a Fortran 77 compiler. If you intended to use MPI for parallel runs, you must use the command mpif90 (or mpiifort in case of the Intel\textregistered compiler) instead of the original compiler command.

The SWAN source code complies with the ANSI Fortran 90 standard, except for a few cases, where the limit of 19 continuation lines is violated. We are currently not aware of any compiler that cannot deal with this violation of the ANSI standard.

When compiling SWAN you should check that the compiler allocates the same amount of memory for all INTEGERS, REAL and LOGICALS. Usually, for these variables 4 bytes are allocated, on supercomputers (vector or parallel), however, this sometimes is 8 bytes. When a compiler allocates 8 bytes for a REAL and 4 bytes for an INTEGER, for example, SWAN will not run correctly.

Furthermore, SWAN can generate binary MATLAB files on request, which are unformatted. Some compilers, e.g. Intel\textregistered Fortran, measured record length in 4-byte or longword units and as a consequence, these unformatted files cannot be loaded in MATLAB. Hence, in such as case a compiler option is needed to request 1-byte units, e.g. for Intel\textregistered Fortran this is /assume:byterecl (Windows) or -assume byterecl (Linux/UNIX).

The modules must be compiled first. Several subroutines use these modules. These subroutines need the compiled versions of the modules before they can be compiled. You can find here below the complete list of modules in the proper order.

Linking should be done without any options nor using shared libraries (e.g. math or NAG). It is recommended to rename the executable to swan.exe after linking.

Referring to the previous example, compilation and linking may be done as follows:
mpif90 <list of modules> ocp*.f swan*.f Swan*.f90 -o swan.exe

The SWAN team 2024-09-09