Significant wave height, denoted as in meters, and defined as |
is the variance density spectrum and is the absolute |
radian frequency determined by the Doppler shifted dispersion relation. |
However, for ease of computation, can be determined as follows: |
Significant wave height associated with the low frequency part of |
the spectrum, denoted as
in meters, and defined as |
Hz by default (this can be changed |
with the command QUANTITY). |
TMM10 |
Mean absolute wave period (in s) of
, defined as |
TM01 |
Mean absolute wave period (in s) of
, defined as |
TM02 |
Mean absolute wave period (in s) of
, defined as |
Mean wave direction (in , Cartesian or Nautical convention), |
as defined by (see Kuik et al. (1988)): |
This direction is the direction normal to the wave crests. |
Peak direction of
(in , Cartesian or Nautical convention). |
Direction of energy transport (in , Cartesian or Nautical convention). |
Note that if currents are present, TDIR is different from the mean wave |
direction DIR. |
RTMM10 |
Mean relative wave period (in s) of
, defined as |
This is equal to TMM10 in the absence of currents. |
RTM01 |
Mean relative wave period (in s) of
, defined as |
This is equal to TM01 in the absence of currents. |
Relative peak period (in s) of (equal to absolute peak period |
in the absence of currents). |
Note that this peak period is related to the absolute maximum bin of the |
discrete wave spectrum and hence, might not be the 'real' peak period. |
Relative peak period (in s) of . |
This value is obtained as the maximum of a parabolic fitting through the |
highest bin and two bins on either side the highest one of the discrete |
wave spectrum. This 'non-discrete' or 'smoothed' value is a better |
estimate of the 'real' peak period compared to the quantity RTP. |
Average absolute period (in s) of
, defined as |
The power can be chosen by the user by means of the QUANTITY |
command. If (the default value) PER is identical to TM01 and |
if , PER = TMM10. |
Average relative period (in s), defined as |
Here, if , RPER=RTM01 and if , RPER=RTMM10. |
The normalized frequency width of the spectrum (frequency spreading), |
as defined by Battjes and Van Vledder (1984): |
The one-sided directional width of the spectrum (directional spreading |
or directional standard deviation,in ), defined as |
and computed as conventionally for pitch-and-roll buoy data |
(Kuik et al. (1988); this is the standard definition for WAVEC buoys |
integrated over all frequencies): |
![$({\rm DSPR} \frac{\pi}{180})^2 = 2\left( 1 - \sqrt{\left[ \left( \frac{\int\sin...
...\sigma d\theta}{\int E(\sigma,\theta)d\sigma d\theta} \right)^2 \right]}\right)$](img175.png) |
QP |
The peakedness of the wave spectrum, defined as |
This quantity represents the degree of randomness of the waves. |
A smaller value of indicates a wider spectrum and thus |
increased the degree of randomness (e.g., shorter wave groups), |
whereas a larger value indicates a narrower spectrum and a more |
organised wave field (e.g., longer wave groups). |
MS |
As input to SWAN with the commands BOUNDPAR and BOUNDSPEC, |
the directional distribution |
of incident wave energy is given by |
for all frequencies. The parameter  |
is indicated as MS in SWAN and is not necessarily an integer number. |
This number is related to the |
one-sided directional spread of the waves |
(DSPR) as follows: |