Scope of this document
SWAN is a third-generation wave model for
obtaining realistic estimates of wave parameters in coastal areas, lakes and estuaries from given wind, bottom and
current conditions. However, SWAN can be used on any scale relevant for wind-generated surface gravity waves. The model
is based on the wave action balance equation (or energy balance in the absence of currents) with sources and sinks.
Good introductory texts on the background of SWAN are Young (1999) and Booij et al. (1999).
The following wave propagation processes are represented in SWAN:
- propagation through geographic space,
- refraction due to spatial variations in bottom and current,
- diffraction,
- shoaling due to spatial variations in bottom and current,
- blocking and reflections by opposing currents and
- transmission through, blockage by or reflection against obstacles.
The following wave generation and dissipation processes are represented in SWAN:
- generation by wind,
- dissipation by whitecapping,
- dissipation by depth-induced wave breaking,
- dissipation by bottom friction and
- wave-wave interactions in both deep and shallow water.
In addition, the wave-induced set-up of the mean sea surface can be computed in SWAN. However, wave-induced
currents are not computed by SWAN. In 1D cases, computation of wave-induced set-up is based on exact shallow
water equations, whereas in 2D cases they need to be approximated since the effects of wave-induced currents
are ignored.
Diffraction is modelled in a restrict sense, so the model should be used in areas where variations in
wave height are large within a horizontal scale of a few wave lengths. However, the computation of diffraction
in arbitrary geophysical conditions is rather complicated and requires considerable computing effort. To
avoid this, a phase-decoupled approach, as described in (Holthuijsen et al., 2003),
is employed so that same qualitative behaviour of spatial redistribution and changes in wave direction is
obtained. This approach, however, does not properly handle diffraction in harbours
or in front of reflecting obstacles.
SWAN is stationary and optionally nonstationary and can be applied in Cartesian or curvilinear
(recommended only for small scales) or spherical (small scales and large scales) co-ordinates. The
stationary mode should be used only for waves with a relatively short residence time in the computational
area under consideration, i.e. the travel time of the waves through the region should be small compared
to the time scale of the geophysical conditions (wave boundary conditions, wind, tides and storm surge).
The SWAN team 2024-09-09