
The remainder of this document is subdivided as follows: In Chapter 2 the action balance equations used in SWAN are presented. Next, each source term of the governing equations is in depth described. In Chapter 3 the main characteristics of the finite difference method for the discretization of the governing equations in irregular horizontal planes are outlined. Various differencing schemes for spatial propagation are reported. Chapter 4 is concerned with discussing several boundary conditions and their implementation. Chapter 5 is devoted to the design of the two-dimensional wave set-up of sea surface. Chapter 6 is devoted to the linear solvers for the solution of the resulted linear systems of equations. Chapter 7 deals with some consideration on parallelization of SWAN on distributed memory architectures. Chapter 8 presents an unstructured-mesh procedure for SWAN.

This document, however, is not intended as being complete. Although, this document describes the essential steps involved in the simulation of waves, so that the user can see which can be modified or extended to solve a particular problem properly, some issues involved in SWAN are not included. Below, a list of these issues is given, of which the information may be available elsewhere:

The SWAN team 2024-09-09