The interpolation of spectra in SWAN, both in space and time, is a slight modification of the procedure
as used in WAM. This procedure is not a simple (spectral) bin-by-bin interpolation because that would cause
reduction of the spectral peak if the peaks of the original spectra do not coincide. It is an interpolation
where the spectra are first normalized by average frequency and direction, then interpolated and then
transformed back.
The average frequencies of the two origin spectra are determined using the frequency moments of the
=1,2 (the two origin
spectra) and
=0,1 (the zero- and first frequency moments of these spectra). Then
The average frequency for the interpolated spectrum is calculated as
is the relative distance (in space or time) from the interpolated spectrum to the first
origin spectrum
is the same for the second origin spectrum
. Obviously,
The average directions of the two origin spectra are determined using directional moments of the spectra:
=1,2. The average direction is then
The average direction of the interpolated spectrum is calculated as
Finally the interpolated spectrum is calculated as follows
The SWAN team 2024-09-09