| | < [i] [j] > | | | -> IJ < > | TEST [itest] [itrace] POINTS < | < [k] > | > & | | | XY < [x] [y] > | (PAR `fname') (S1D `fname') (S2D `fname')
If SWAN produces unexpected results, this optional command can be used to instruct the program to produce intermediate results during a SWAN run (test output). A TEST command may change between commands in the file to change the level of test output during a SWAN run. This change occurs during the execution of the run. A TEST command controls the test output until the next TEST command. Such a next TEST command may have level 0, thus stopping test output.
[itest] | the level of test output. For values under 100 the amount is usually reasonable, | |
for values above 200 it can be very large. For values of [itest] up to 50 the | ||
test output can be interpreted by the user. For higher values of [itest] the | ||
test output can only be interpreted by those who have the program source listing | ||
at their disposal. Note that for sequential or parallel runs, it might be interesting | ||
to print the timings (both wall-clock and CPU times in seconds) in the PRINT file; | ||
for this [itest] should be set to 1. | ||
Default: [itest] = 1. | ||
[itrace] | SWAN writes a message (name of subroutine) to the PRINT file at the first | |
[itrace] entries of each subroutine. | ||
Default: [itrace] = 0. | ||
POINTS | if this option is used, the user instructs SWAN to produce detailed print output | |
during the computational process for a grid point of the computational grid. | ||
Output at a maximum of 50 grid points is possible. This option can be used | ||
only after the bathymetry has been read (see command READINP BOTTOM). | ||
IJ | the test points are defined by means of grid indices. | |
[i], [j] | grid indices of a test point. Values of [i] range between 0 and [mxc] | |
(see command CGRID), values of [j] between 0 and [myc] (inclusive). | ||
[k] | vertex index of a test point. This can be obtained in a grid generator file | |
(fort.14, .node and .n files of ADCIRC, Triangle and Easymesh, respectively). | ||
XY | the test points are defined in terms of problem coordinates; SWAN will determine | |
the nearest grid points. Output will be made for this selected grid point. | ||
[x], [y] | coordinates of a test point (problem coordinates in m in case of Cartesian | |
coordinates, or longitude and latitude in degrees in case of spherical coordinates, | ||
see command COORD). | ||
PAR | integral parameters for test points are written: HSIGN, RTM01 (see | |
Appendix A for definitions) and Swind, Swcap, Ssurf, Sfric, Snl3 | ||
and Snl4 which are the integrals over frequency and direction of the respective | ||
source terms (wind input, whitecapping, depth-induced breaking, bottom friction, | ||
absolute value of the triad wave-wave interactions and absolute value of the | ||
quadruplet wave-wave interactions). | ||
S1D | if the keyword S1D appears variance densities and 6 source terms (see end of | |
this list of options) as computed will be printed as 1D spectral (frequency) output. | ||
The definition of this file is given in Appendix D. This output will be made after | ||
every iteration in the case of MODE STATIONARY, and after every time step | ||
in the case MODE NONSTATIONARY (see command MODE). | ||
`fname' | name of the file to which the output is written; default filename: SWSRC1D. | |
S2D | if the keyword S2D appears variance densities and 6 source terms (see end of | |
this list of options) as computed will be printed as 2D (frequency and direction) | ||
spectral output. The format of this file is defined in Appendix D. This output will | ||
be made after every iteration in the case of MODE STATIONARY, and after every | ||
time step in the case MODE NONSTATIONARY (see command MODE). | ||
`fname' | name of the file to which the output is written; default filename: SWSRC2D. |
Note that the keywords PAR, S1D and S2D need to be given in that order.
The source terms written due to the presence of the keyword S1D or S2D are source terms of variance
density. The 6 source terms are: wind input, whitecapping, bottom friction, breaking, 3-wave interactions
and 4-wave interactions.
When a number [maxmes] of error messages, see command SET, have been written to the PRINT file, the computation will stop.
If necessary make [maxmes] larger using command SET, and rerun the program.
The SWAN team 2024-09-09