Dissipation of wave energy (
Whitecapping: Komen et al. (1984) formulation
The processes of whitecapping in the SWAN model is represented by the pulse-based model of
Hasselmann (1974). Reformulated in terms of wave number (rather than frequency) so as to be
applicable in finite water depth (cf. the WAMDI group, 1988), this expression is:
denote the mean frequency and the mean wave number,
respectively, and the coefficient
depends on the overall wave steepness. This steepness dependent
coefficient, as given by the WAMDI group (1988), has been adapted by Günther et al. (1992) based on
Janssen (1991a) (see also (Janssen, 1991b)):
the expression of
reduces to the expression as used by the WAMDI group (1988). The
are tunable coefficients,
is the overall wave
is the value of
for the Pierson-Moskowitz
spectrum (1964):
. The overall wave steepness
is defined as
The mean frequency
, the mean wave number
and the total wave energy
are defined as (cf. the WAMDI group, 1988):
The values of the tunable coefficients
and exponent
in this model have been obtained by
Komen et al. (1984) and Janssen (1992) by closing the energy balance of the waves in idealized wave growth conditions
(both for growing and fully developed wind seas) for deep water. This implies that coefficients in the steepness dependent
depend on the wind input formulation that is used. Since two different wind input formulations are
used in the SWAN model, two sets of coefficients are used. For the wind input of Komen et al. (1984; corresponding to WAM
Cycle 3; the WAMDI group, 1988):
. Janssen (1992) and also
Günther et al. (1992) obtained (assuming
(as used in the WAM
Cycle 4; Komen et al., 1994).
It is well-known that SWAN underestimates structurally the mean (or peak) wave periods by 10 to 20%.
This has also been observed in the SWAN hindcasts
as described by Rogers et al. (2003). Investigations of Rogers et al. (2003) showed that adjusting the parameter
from 0 to 1 leads to an improved prediction of the wave energy at lower frequencies.
Because of this,
is set to 1 as default since version 40.91A.
However, it should be mentioned that adapting
without retuning
may lead to exceedence of the theoretical limits on wave height proposed by
Pierson and Moskowitz (1964).
Whitecapping: saturation-based model; and wind: Yan model
An alternative description for whitecapping in SWAN is given by Van der Westhuysen et al. (2007) and
Van der Westhuysen (2007), which is an adapted form of the expression of Alves and Banner (2003). The latter is based
on the apparent relationship between wave groups and whitecapping dissipation. This adaption is due to the fact that it
can also be applied to mixed sea-swell conditions and in shallow water. This was done by removing the dependencies on mean
spectral steepness and wavenumber in the original expression, and by applying source term scaling arguments for its
calibration (see below). This led to the following expression for whitecapping dissipation
in which the density function
is the azimuthal-integrated spectral saturation, which is positively correlated with
the probability of wave group-induced breaking. It is calculated from frequency space variables as follows
is a threshold saturation level. The proportionality coefficient is set to
. When
, waves break and the exponent
is set equal
to a calibration parameter
. For
there is no breaking, but some residual dissipation proved
necessary. This is obtained by setting
. A smooth transition between these two situations is achieved by
(Alves and Banner, 2003)
In SWAN, however,
is simply set to
(see below).
In Van der Westhuysen (2007) the dissipation modes of breaking and non-breaking waves are separated, so that they
are active over different parts of the spectrum:
is the contribution by breaking waves (2.50), and
by means other than breaking (e.g. turbulence). The changeover between the two modes is made with a smooth transition
similar to (2.52):
Since relatively little is known about the dissipation mechanisms of the non-breaking low-frequency waves, their dissipation
is not modelled in detail. Instead, the expression (2.44) is used for
, to provide general
background dissipation of non-breaking waves. For this component, the parameter settings of Komen et al. (1984)
are applied.
The wind input expression used in saturation-based model is based on that by Yan (1987). This expression embodies experimental
findings that for strong wind forcing,
say, the wind-induced growth rate of waves depends quadratically on
(e.g. Plant 1982), whereas for weaker forcing,
say, the growth rate depends linearly on
(Snyder et al., 1981). Yan (1987) proposes an analytical fit through these two ranges of the form:
are coefficients of the fit. Yan imposed two constraints:
in which
are the growth rates proposed by Snyder et al. (1981) and Plant (1982), respectively.
Application of Eqs. (2.56) and (2.57) led us to parameter values of
, which are somewhat different from those proposed by Yan (1987). We found that our parameter values produce better
fetch-limited simulation results in the Pierson and Moskowitz (1964) fetch range thant the original values of Yan (1987).
Finally, the choice of the exponent
in Eqs. (2.50) and (2.52) is made by requiring that the source terms of whitecapping
(Eq. 2.50) and wind input (Eq. 2.55) have equal scaling in frequency, after Resio et al. (2004). This leads to a value of
for strong wind forcing (
) and
for weaker forcing (
). A smooth transition between these two limits,
centred around
, is achieved by the expression
is a scaling parameter for which a value of
is used in SWAN. In shallow water, under strong wind forcing (
), this
scaling condition requires the additional dimensionless factor
in Eq. (2.50), where
is the water depth.
Whitecapping: dissipation on opposing current
When a wave field meets an adverse current with a velocity that approaches the wave group velocity,
waves are blocked, which may cause steepness-induced breaking and reflection. Ris and Holthuijsen (1996)
show that SWAN underestimates wave dissipation in such situations, leading to a strong overestimation
in the significant wave height. Van der Westhuysen (2012) proposes a saturation-based whitecapping
expression for the required enhanced dissipation. The dissipation due to current influence is taken
to be proportional to the relative increase in steepness due to the opposing current, expressed in terms
of the relative Doppler shifting rate
The proportionality coefficient is set to
= 0.8. The remaining parameters are given by
Van der Westhuysen (2007), namely
according to (2.58).
Wind input, whitecapping, and non-breaking dissipation by ST6
The “ST6” source term package was implemented in an unofficial (NRL) version of SWAN starting in 2008 and initial development
was documented in Rogers et al. (2012). (At the time, it was referred to as “Babanin et al. physics” rather than
“ST6”.) ST6 was implemented in the official version of WAVEWATCH III
(WW3) starting in 2010, and this
implementation was documented in Zieger et al. (2015). Since 2010, developments in the two models have largely
paralleled each other, insofar as most notable improvements are implemented in both models. As such, the documentation for WW3
(public release versions 4 or 5) is largely adequate documentation of significant changes to the source terms in SWAN since
the publication of Rogers et al. (2012), and do not need to be repeated here. We point out three notable exceptions to
The first notable difference relates to the SSWELL ZIEGER option in SWAN, for representation of non-breaking dissipation.
The steepness-dependent coefficient for this term, introduced to WW3 in version 5, has not yet been implemented in SWAN. The
non-breaking dissipation instead follows ST6 in WW3 version 4. These two methods are contrasted by Zieger et al. (2015)
in their equations 23 and 28.
The second notable difference is that ST6 in SWAN permits the use of the non-breaking dissipation of Ardhuin et al.
(2010), the SSWELL ARDHUIN option in SWAN. This option is not available in WW3/ST6, but is instead the non-breaking
dissipation used in WW3/ST4.
The third notable difference is that the wind speed scaling which was
, following Komen et al. (1984), has been replaced with
, where
is a free parameter. Use of
(we use
yields significant improvements to the tail level, correcting overprediction mean square slope. This necessitates
tuning of the
coefficients. Settings are suggested in the SWAN User Manual. At time of writing, this
feature has not yet been ported to WW3.
Other less notable differences include: changes to linear wind input (Cavaleri and Malanotte-Rizzoli 1981) in SWAN/ST6, changes to calculation of viscous stress in SWAN/ST6, and dissipation by viscosity in the water, added to SWAN/ST6.
Bottom friction
The bottom friction models that have been selected for SWAN are the empirical model of JONSWAP
(Hasselmann et al., 1973), the drag law model of Collins (1972) and the eddy-viscosity model of
Madsen et al. (1988). The formulations for these bottom friction models can all be expressed in the following form:
in which
is a bottom friction coefficient that generally depends on the bottom orbital motion
represented by
Hasselmann et al. (1973) found
which is in
agreement with the JONSWAP result for swell dissipation. However, Bouws and Komen (1983) suggest a
value of
for depth-limited wind-sea conditions in the North Sea. This value is derived
from revisiting the energy balance equation employing an alternative deep water dissipation.
Recently, in Zijlema et al. (2012) it was found that a unified value of
can be used if the
second order polyomial fit for wind drag of Eq. (2.36) is employed.
So, in SWAN 41.01 this is default irrespective of swell and wind-sea conditions.
The expression of Collins (1972) is based on a conventional formulation for periodic waves with the
appropriate parameters adapted to suit a random wave field. The dissipation rate is calculated with the
conventional bottom friction formulation of Eq. (2.60) in which the bottom friction coefficient is
(Collins, 1972)2.2.
Madsen et al. (1988) derived a formulation similar to that of Hasselmann and Collins (1968) but in their
model the bottom friction factor is a function of the bottom roughness height and the actual wave
conditions. Their bottom friction coefficient is given by
in which
is a non-dimensional friction factor estimated by using the formulation of Jonsson (1966) cf.
Madsen et al. (1988):
in which
(Jonsson and Carlsen, 1976) and
is a representative near-bottom excursion
is the bottom roughness length scale. For values of
smaller than 1.57 the
friction factor
is 0.30 (Jonsson, 1980).
Depth-induced wave breaking
To model the energy dissipation in random waves due to depth-induced breaking, the bore-based model
of Battjes and Janssen (1978) is used in SWAN. The mean rate of energy dissipation per unit horizontal
area due to wave breaking
is expressed as
in which
in SWAN,
is the fraction of breaking waves determined by
in which
is the maximum wave height that can exist at the given depth and
is a mean frequency defined as
The fraction of depth-induced breakers (
) is determined in SWAN with
. Furthermore, for
and for
Extending the expression of Eldeberky and Battjes (1995) to include the spectral directions, the
dissipation for a spectral component per unit time is calculated in SWAN with:
The maximum wave height
is determined in SWAN with
, in which
is the breaker parameter
is the total water depth (including the wave-induced set-up if computed by SWAN). In the literature,
this breaker parameter
is often a constant or it is expressed as a function of bottom slope or incident
wave steepness (see e.g., Galvin, 1972; Battjes and Janssen, 1978; Battjes and Stive, 1985; Arcilla and
Lemos, 1990; Kaminsky and Kraus, 1993; Nelson, 1987, 1994).
In the publication of Battjes and Janssen (1978) in which the dissipation model is described, a constant
breaker parameter, based on Miche's criterion, of
was used. Battjes and Stive (1985) re-analyzed
wave data of a number of laboratory and field experiments and found values for the breaker parameter
varying between 0.6 and 0.83 for different types of bathymetry (plane, bar-trough and bar) with an average
of 0.73. From a compilation of a large number of experiments Kaminsky and Kraus (1993) have found
breaker parameters in the range of 0.6 to 1.59 with an average of 0.79.
An alternative to the bore-based model of Battjes and Janssen (1978) is proposed by Thornton and Guza (1983).
This model can be regarded as an alteration of Battjes and Janssen with respect to the description of the wave
height probability density function. The total dissipation due to depth-induced breaking is formulated as
in which
is a proportionality coefficient and
is the probability density function of breaking
waves times the fraction of breakers,
. Based on field observations, the wave heights in the surf zone
are assumed to remain Rayleigh distributed, even after breaking. This implies that all waves will break, not
only the highest as assumed by Battjes and Janssen (1978). The function
is obtained by multiplying
the Rayleigh wave height probability density function
, given by
by a weighting function
defined so that
, to yield
Thornton and Guza (1983) proposed the following weighting function in which the fraction of breaking waves
is independent of the wave height:
with a calibration parameter
(=4) and a breaker index
(not to be confused with the Battjes and Janssen breaker index!).
The integral in expression (2.70) can then be simplified, as follows
The SWAN team 2024-09-09