Convergence-enhancing measures
As explained in Section 3.7.1,
many time scales are involved in the evolution of wind waves. The high-frequency waves have much shorter
time scales than the low-frequency waves, rendering the system of equations
(3.35) stiff. If no special measures are taken,
the need to resolve high-frequency waves at very short time scales would result in extreme computational time. For economy,
it is desirable that a numerical technique can be used with a large, fixed time step. Moreover, we are
mainly interested in the evolution of slowly changing low-frequency waves. For stationary problems,
we are interested in obtaining the steady-state solution.
Unfortunately, the convergence to the steady state is dominated by the
smallest time scale and, in the absence of remedial measures, destabilizing
over- and undershoots will prevent
solution from converging monotonically during the iteration process.
These oscillations arise because of the off-diagonal terms in matrix
which can be dominant over the main diagonal, particularly when the ratio
is substantially larger than one. As a consequence,
convergence is slowed down and divergence often occurs.
To accelerate the iteration process without generating instabilities, appropriately small updates must be made
to the level of action density.
With the development of the WAM model, a so-called action density limiter was introduced as a remedy to the abovementioned
problem. This action limiter restricts the net growth or
decay of action density to a maximum change at each geographic grid point and spectral bin per time step.
This maximum change corresponds to a fraction of the
omni-directional Phillips equilibrium level (Hersbach and Janssen, 1999).
In the context of SWAN (Booij et al., 1999), this is
denotes the limitation factor,
is the wave number and
is the Phillips constant for a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum
(Komen et al., 1994). Usually,
Note that when the physical wind formulation of Janssen (1989,1991a) is applied in SWAN, the original
limiter of Hersbach and Janssen (1999) is employed. Denoting the
total change in
from one iteration to the next after Eq. (3.2) by
, the action density at the new iteration level is given by
For wave components at relatively low frequencies, Eq. (3.43) yields
the pre-limitation outcome of Eq. (3.2), because, for these
components, the pseudo time step matches the time scale of their evolution. For
high-frequency waves, however, Eq. (3.43) gives the upper limit for the
spectrum to change per iteration due to the limiter, Eq. (3.42).
For typical coastal engineering applications, it is sufficient to
compute the energy-containing part of the wave spectrum accurately.
In other words, action densities near and below the spectral peak should not be imposed
by the limiter (3.42). However, our experiences with
SWAN have shown that the limiter is active even close to the peak. Furthermore,
during the entire iteration process, the limiter is typically active at
almost every geographic grid point.
The alternative measure to enhance the convergence of the stable iteration process considered here
is so-called false time stepping (Ferziger and Perić, 1999).
Under-relaxation terms representing the rate of change are introduced to enhance the main
diagonal of
and thus stabilize the iteration process. The system of equations
(3.35) is replaced by the following, iteration-dependent system
a pseudo time step.
The first term of Eq. (3.44) controls the rate of
convergence of the iteration process in the sense that
smaller updates are made due to decreasing
, usually
at the cost of increased computational time.
To deal with decreasing time scales at
increasing wave frequency, the amount of under-relaxation is enlarged in
proportion to frequency. This allows a decrease in the computational cost of
under-relaxation, because at lower frequencies larger updates are made. This
frequency-dependent under-relaxation can be achieved by setting
is a dimensionless parameter.
The parameter
will play an important role in
determining the convergence rate and stability of the iteration process.
Substitution in Eq. (3.44) gives
When the steady state is
reached (i.e.
), system (3.45) solves
is a fixed point of (3.45).
Suitable values for
must be determined empirically and thus robustness is impaired.
For increasing values of
, the change in action density per iteration will decrease in
the whole spectrum. The consequence of this is twofold. Firstly, it allows a much broader frequency
range in which the action balance equation (3.2) is actually solved without distorting convergence
Secondly, the use of the limiter will be reduced because more density changes will not exceed the maximum
change due to Eq. (3.42). Clearly, this effect may be augmented by
increasing the value of
in Eq. (3.42).
To allow proper calculation of the second-generation first guess of the wave
field (see Section 3.3), under-relaxation is temporarily disabled
) during the first iteration. Whereas this measure is important
in achieving fast convergence, it does not affect stability, since the
second-generation formulations do not require stabilization.
The SWAN team 2024-09-09